Signing an agreement with the British Council for the implementation of a project to train English teachers in Sabaragamuwa province.

It is planned to implement a capacity building program together with the British Council to enhance   language knowledge and teaching skills of English teachers in Sabaragamuwa province by providing a formal training. Under that, formal training will be given to selected 700 teachers through the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) course affiliated to the Cambridge University. The proposed program is scheduled to be implemented using the funds of Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council. The estimated cost is   51 million rupees.  Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Council and Local Government to enter in to an agreement between Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council and British Council for the implementation of the said project.

  • Segregation of insurance business of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation

Cabinet approval has been given on 13.03.2023 for taking the necessary steps to operate the life and general insurance businesses of the Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation as separate legal entities, in pursuance to the provisions of the Insurance Industry Regularization (Amendment) Act No. 3 of 2011  under Public Enterprise Reforms. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to divest the life and general insurance business of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Limited to Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Life Limited and Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation General Limited, the wholly owned subsidiaries of the said corporation.

  • Importation and processing of selected spices and re-export in the form of oil extracts, oleoresins and residues

Exporting Sri Lanka’s spices as value-added products has the potential to earn more revenue than exporting them in their original form. Several leading companies with Board of Investment approval have applied for the import of certain spices in their original form to enable them to produce high-end value-added products as a complete new product for the international market. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Investment Promotion to implement the procedure for the import and processing of selected spices and the re-export in the form of oil extraction, oleoresin and residue in order to provide   the opportunity to expand their market needs.

  • Extension of the duration of the Market Development Facility Program under the Good Governance for Growth Program implemented under the Australian Government’s grant-in-aid.

An agreement was reached in 2017 between the Australian Government and the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the Good Governance for Growth Program and the Market Development Facility Program. The Australian government has agreed to provide an additional grant of 42.1 million Australian dollars for those programs. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies, to enter into adjunct arrangements with the Australian Government for the further implementation of these two projects   by obtaining those grants.

  • Importation of Maize by Sri Lanka State Trading (General) Corporation

There is a shortage of raw materials required for the production of poultry feed due to insufficient stocks of maize in the open market. As a temporary measure for this, the Department of Animal Production and Health has given the necessary license to the Sri Lanka State Trading (General) Corporation to import 15000 metric tons of maize. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies, to purchase 15000 MT of Maize from registered foreign suppliers through the Sri Lanka State Trading (General) Corporation.

  • Providing compensation instead of alternative paddy lands to selected families who lost their land due to the construction of Yan Oya Reservoir and Left Bank Channel.

During the construction of the Yan Oya Reservoir, land belonging to Horovpatana and Gomarankadavala Divisional Secretariat areas was acquired and during the construction of the Left Bank Channel, land belonging to Horovpatana, Padaviya and Sri Pura Divisional Secretariat areas has been acquired. Some of the families who lost their land have been given alternative paddy lands. Due to the non-availability of land around those areas for development as paddy land, the Cabinet has given approval on 20.03.2023 to provide additional compensation to the rest of the owners of the acquired land in lieu of paddy land. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the implementation of following proposals presented by the Minister of Irrigation

  • Payment of 1.8 million rupees compensation to families who have not received alternative irrigated land so far, those who are settled in outlying areas and do not farm as a means of livelihood, since it is not possible to release enough land for development to replace the alternative paddy land that should be given to the selected families who have lost their land due to the construction of the Yan Oya Reservoir.
  • Payment of 1.8 million rupees compensation in lieu a 1.5 acre paddy land, since it is not possible to release enough land for development to replace the alternative paddy land that should be given to the selected families who have lost their land due to the construction of the Left Bank Channel.
  • Establishment of Training/Emigration Resource Center in Jaffna, Homagama and Ampara areas for foreign job seekers

The Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau conducts specific training programs targeted at the destination country for those seeking foreign employment. Currently, these training programs are conducted under minimum facilities in buildings obtained on rental basis all over the island. As such the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment to    establish training centers in Jaffna, Homagama and Ampara Districts as belonging to the Foreign Employment Bureau, to provide the necessary training to those who are expected to go to overseas jobs.

  • Project to establish 60 Smart Classrooms for Advanced Level students in selected estate schools in Nuwara Eliya, Kandy and Badulla districts.

The Government of India has agreed to fund a pilot project to establish 60 Smart Classrooms for Advanced Level students in selected estate schools in Nuwara Eliya, Kandy and Badulla districts within a period of two years. The recommendation of the National Planning Department has also been received for the implementation of the project. The estimated cost of the project is 526.20 million rupees and a provision of 310 million rupees has been allocated for the year 2024. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Water Supply and Estate Infrastructure Development to enter into an agreement with the High Commission of India and the Ministry of Water Supply and Estate Infrastructure Development for the implementation of the project.

  • Approval for the National Air Navigation Search and Rescue Plan

the National Air Navigation Search and Rescue Plan has been prepared by the Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with   the provisions of the Civil Aviation Act No. 14 of 2010, The same has been published in the Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 2347/02 dated 28.08.2023as a regulation. As such, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation to   table the said regulation in Parliament.

  1. Submission of Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO Bill in Parliament

Cabinet approval has been granted at the meeting held on 20.03.2023 to advice legal draftsman to prepare the Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO Bill. The bill prepared accordingly by the Legal Draftsman has received clearance of the Attorney General.  Accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of Education to publish the said Bill in the Government Gazette and to submit in Parliament subsequently was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

  1. Providing a relief for government officers entitled for political rights who presented themselves for local government elections.

The Commissioner General of Elections has informed the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government that it is appropriate to appoint a committee for solving issues erupted due to postponement of the Local Government Elections 2023 without date. Accordingly, agreement of the Elections Commission has been granted to implement recommendations of the report submitted by the Committee appointed by the Secretary to that Ministry. Based on the recommendations of that Committee, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal furnished by the Hon. Prime Minister in his office as the Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government to implement the following recommendations in the report.

   i.    If an officer entitled for political rights who presented themselves for local government elections and  confronted the difficulties due to been transferred to a different service station out of the area and that the officer applied for election has  appealed regarding that, the heads of institution should consider in the regard and let the officers to serve in their permanent service station after obtaining an affidavit from those officers indicating that they would not engage in political activities in the service station or publicize or promote political opinion.

 ii.     Payment of the basic salary consider the period from 25.04.2023 to 08.05.2023 as a period with   salary.

iii.     Order to report to service compulsorily as per Public Administration Circular No. 07/2023 dated 08.05.2023 in relation to the officers submitted nominations for Local Government Elections 2023.

iv.     Accordingly, to issue a Public Administration circular for solving issues of public officers entitled for political rights.

  1. Draft bill for the truth, harmony and reconciliation of Sri Lanka

Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on 03.04.2023 to instruct the Legal Draftsman to prepare a draft bill on Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism. Accordingly, in par with the guidance from the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the ‘Draft Bill for the Commission for Truth, Harmony and Reconciliation of Sri Lanka’ has been prepared. The clearance of the Attorney General too has been received for that draft bill. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers have granted approval for the joint proposal furnished by the Hon. President, the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to publish the said draft bill in the government gazette notification to enable the Public and all the interested parties to further submit opinions and proposals in the regard.

  1. Amendments to Social Security Contribution Levy Act No. 25 of 2022

The Cabinet of Ministers at their meeting held on 30.10.2024 granted approval to revise the Social Security Contribution Levy Act No. 25 of 2022 in order to reduce the revenue subject to tax to be from rupees 120 million to rupees 60 million with effect from 01.01.2023. Accordingly, clearance of the Attorney General has been received for the draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval for the proposal forwarded by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to publish the draft bill in the government gazette notification and thereby present it to the Parliament for their concurrence.

  1. Amendment of the National Savings Bank Act No. 30 of 1971

It has been identified that, the National Savings Bank has found it difficult to cope up with the competitive and rapidly changing financial market due to the limitations existing in the National Savings Bank Act No. 30 of 1971. Therefore, in order to maintain a sustainable development for the institution, certain sections of the National Savings Bank Act should have to be revised with the objective of further extending monitoring activities of the bank through identifying new business opportunities and developing a new enterprise structure. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers have approved the resolution furnished tabled by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies for instructing the Legal Draftsman to prepare an amended draft bill.

  1. Institutional Reforms for Digital Development.

The requirement of an institution with broad powers has been recognized to implement Sri Lankan Digital Development more productively, and to harvest its results. Accordingly, revisions to Information and Communication Technology Act No. 27 of 2003 should be introduced to establish Digital Development Agency for strategic and policy leadership to provide monitoring the digital development process of the government, and provision of investment instructions and supervision and to establish a national centre for Artificial Intelligence as a part of the digital development agency for the implementation of national artificial intelligence strategies. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Hon. President in his office as the Minister of Technology to instruct the Legal Draftsman to prepare an amended draft bill.

  1. Providing the opportunity to import 50,000 metric tons of GR 11 rice category which is similar to Keeri Samba by the private sector.

The approval of the Cabinet of Ministers on 20.11.2023 has been granted to import 50,000 metric tons of rice as per the recommendation of the food policy committee in order to control the price of rice at the market. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal submitted by the Minister of Trade, Commerce and Food Security to import 50,000 metric tons of GR 11 rice category which is similar to Keeri Samba by the private sector, creating a competition between Keeri Samba and Samba rice in the local market, with the intention of providing the price advantage to the consumer.

  1. Import of eggs from farms recommended by the Department of Animal Production and Health for stabilization of egg prices in the local market.

Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted at their meeting held on 14.08.2023 to import eggs from recognized Indian Egg Farms by the Department of Animal Production and Health for stabilization of egg prices in the local market. Accordingly, Sri Lanka State Trading (General) Corporation has imported 155 million eggs now and necessary measures has been taken to import another 18 million eggs before 31.12.2023. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Minister of Trade, Commerce and Food Security to further import eggs from Indian farms that have been recommended already by the Department of Animal Production and Health, since there is a possibility of an escalation of retail price of eggs within the local open market,

  1. Establishment of a task determined recommendations and performance force for the National Coordination Committee for Prevention of Money Laundering and Suppression of Supply Monitory Allocations for Terrorism.

The National Coordination Committee for Prevention of Money Laundering and Suppression of Supply Monitory Allocations for Terrorism is comprised of individuals related to and representatives of relevant state institutions, law enforcement authorities, regulatory authorities and prevention of money laundering and suppression of supply monitory allocation for terrorism. In order to formalize the process of the national coordination committee, a task determined recommendations and performance force has been drafted for that committee. Also it has been identified that a task force is essential to be established to ensure the productive coordination among state institutions, financial institutions, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders when looking for solutions for issues erupted when preventing money laundering and suppressing the supply of monitory allocation to terrorism. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution tabled by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies for the proposed task determinate recommendations for the National Coordination Committee and to establish a task force.

In the event of any inconsistency between the English translations of this document, the Sinhala text shall prevail.

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