1. 01. Introduction of mechanism for dispute prevention and dispute resolution in public service

With the aim of introducing a mechanism similar to the private sector for the prevention and resolution of disputes in the public service, the Cabinet of Ministers in the meeting held on 16.11.2020 has approved the implementation of a pilot project for a mechanism based on the concepts of social dialogue, consultation, mediation and arbitration for preventing and resolving disputes in the Public Service.  Accordingly, the relevant pilot project has been implemented in 4 workplaces in the field of health and transportation by obtaining technical financial support from the International Labor Organization. It has been confirmed that due to the operation of the pilot workplace forums established under the pilot project, cooperation between the concerned parties will develop and a basis for dispute prevention and dispute resolution will be created. Pilot workplace forums have been established under the pilot project. As a result of their operation, it has been found that cooperation between the concerned parties has developed and a foundation for dispute prevention and dispute resolution has been created. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Proposal presented by the Hon. Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Council and Local Government to proceed as follows based on the success achieved by the implementation of the said pilot project.

  • Establishment of workplace forums in government institutions.
  • Establishment of sectoral forums comprising representatives of trade unions and management for Health, Transport, Ports and Shipping, Power and Energy, Education and other sectors.
  • Establishment of National State Dialogue Forum comprising representatives of Trade Unions, relevant Ministries/Sectoral Councils, Director Generals of Institutions and representatives of  the Departments of Management Services.
  • Establishment of 09 Provincial Conciliation Boards at the provincial level.
  • Establishment of a National Arbitration Pool under the Ministry of Public Administration.
  • 02. Entering into a partnership agreement between Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and Michigan State University of United States of America

The two parties have agreed to enter into a partnership agreement between Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and Michigan State University, USA, with the aim of developing capacity, building research collaborations and developing innovations and grassroots   level inputs  related to sustainable agriculture. The proposed draft agreement has received the approval of the Ministry of foreign Affairs and the clearance of the Attorney General. As such the  Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Education to sign the proposed agreement.

  • 03. Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Sri Lanka Press Council and Press Council of India

A memorandum of understanding related to the development of knowledge and skills of journalists by conducting subject workshops and seminars, implementation of resource exchange programs between the two parties, activities related to the development of media ethics and the promotion of media freedom and peaceful use of media. for a period of 5 years was signed on 16.11.2018 between Sri Lanka Press Board and Indian Press Board for cooperation between the two parties. The period of the said MoU has now expired and it is planned to sign a new MoU for another 5 years. The proposed draft agreement has been approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the  Minister of Mass  Media to sign the  MoU above.

  • 04. Revision of permissible Aflatoxin levels for food supplement programs including Triposha for children aged 6 months to 3 years

Triphosha is provided under the Maternal and Child Health Program implemented by the Ministry of Health as a supplementary food for children with low nutritional level from 6 months to 3 years of age and as an additional nutrient for pregnant and lactating mothers. But due to the stringent permissible limits for total Aflatoxins prescribed in the existing regulations under the Food Act No. 26 of 1980, it has become difficult to procure maize for the production of Triphosa.  Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Health to apply   the limit of level 5ppb for type B1 and level 10 ppb of total Aflatoxin in internationally recognized food supplements.

  • 05. To develop and maintain theOld ” Cey – Bank Rest Building and Land” located at Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Nuwara Eliya.

Competitive investment proposals have been invited from private sector investors to redevelop and maintain the old Cey-bank Rest building and land on Queen Elizabeth Mawatha, Nuwara Eliya, owned by the Urban Development Authority. After evaluating the proposals submitted, the Cabinet Appointed Standing Negotiation Committee   has submitted its recommendation. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal   based on that recommendation of the said committee presented by the Minister of  Urban Development    to lease the property  mentioned above  to “Colonial Properties Private Limited” for a lease period of 50 years.

06. The plan for the implementation of the agreement between the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Government of Israel on engaging Sri Lankan labour in service.

Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted at their meeting held on 05.02.2020 to enter into an agreement with the Government of Israel for temporarily engaging Sri Lankan labour in precise labour market sectors in the State of Israel and to sign a basic document between the two parties in this regard. In terms of the said agreement, the Population, Immigration and Territory Authority of that country expects to recruit labour for agricultural activities of Israel. Accordingly, the notification submitted by the Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment informing that the two parties signed the implementation plan on 06.11.2023 was taken into consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers

07. Introduction of the Broadcasting Regulatory Commission for electronic media.

The resolution furnished by the Minister of Mass Media to prepare a broadcasting regulatory commission for electronic media with the objective of ensuring a precise media practice in order to safeguard the maximum freedom of speech and expression was taken for discussion at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 22.09.2022. At the meeting, a Cabinet Sub – Committee headed by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms was appointed for the submission of recommendations on the policy matters that should be taken into account when drafting the proposed bill, and the said sub – committee has prepared a fundamental draft with appropriate provisions that can be taken into consideration at the preparation of the draft bill of the proposed broadcasting regulatory commission. The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Mass Media to direct the Legal Draftsman to prepare a draft bill based on the said fundamental draft.

08. Draft Bill of Sri Lanka Electricity Act

The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to introduce a new electricity act to cater to the contemporary socio – economic and administrative requirements when introducing institutional reformations for the electricity sector. Accordingly, clearance from the Attorney General has been received for the draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman. Therefore, approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted to the proposal furnished by the Minister of Electricity and Power to publish the draft bill in the Government gazette and to subsequently furnish it to the Parliament for their concurrence.

09. Discussions on the proposed Sri Lanka – Thailand Free Trade Agreement (SLTFTA)

It is expected to sign the agreement on the proposed Sri Lanka – Thailand Free Trade Agreement (SLTFTA) on 03.02.2024, subsequent to the completion of the rounds of discussions in the regard by the month of December 2023. In concurrence with the agreements entered at rounds 06 and 07 of the said discussions, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to grant approval to the customs levy releasing programme of Sri Lanka which had been prepared to enable the release of 80% of the combined categorized serial numbers within a period of 15 years based on the combined categorized serial numbers of 2022, to partially release 5% of the combined categorized serial numbers within a period of 15 – 18 years, and to include the remaining 15% of the combined categorized serial numbers to the minus list, when the Hon. President submitted the same to them for their consent.

10. Granting approval for Companies not under the Board of Investment but existing at present / Companies approved under section 16 of the Board of Investment Act No. 4 of 1978 under section 17 of the Board of Investment Act No. 4 of 1978.

It has been observed that much investor attraction has been received for investing in the entities that had not been under the Sri Lanka Board of Investment after they had been taken under the Board. Especially with the recognition and the security their enterprises may receive, foreign investors are encouraged to enter into agreements with the Sri Lanka Board of Investment. Accordingly, an order has been enforced by the extraordinary gazette notification dated 01.06.2023 in terms of the powers vested with the subject Minister of Investment Promotions under section 24 of the Board of Investment Act; introducing provisions so that Sri Lanka Board of Investment is eligible for taking action. The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the proposal submitted by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Investment Promotion to submit the said order to the Parliament for its concurrence.

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