12 centers that distort Buddha’s teachings currently operating in Sri Lanka – Revealed at the Parliamentary Caucus for functioning towards safeguarding National Heritage

  • Discussions were also held on the introduction of strict laws to prohibit those who have been expelled from the monkhood, from wearing the robe.

It was discussed in the Parliamentary Caucus for functioning towards safeguarding National Heritage that 12 centers that distort the Sri Lankan history as well as Buddhist doctrine are currently operating in the country. Also, it was revealed that 85 people who are perverting the Buddhist Dhamma have been identified so far.

These matters were discussed when the Parliamentary Caucus for functioning towards safeguarding National Heritage met under the chairmanship of, Member of Parliament Hon. Jayantha Samaraweera. Ven. Hegoda Vipassi thera, Ven. Prof. Mawathagama Pemananda Thera, Attorney at Law Mr. Kalyananda Thiranagama, Attorney at Law Mr. Raja Gunaratne, Mr. Matugama Seneviruwan and Dr. Wasantha Bandara were present at this committee meeting.

It was discussed at the meeting that, according to the decision of the ‘Karaka Sangha Sabha’, although some undisciplined monks are expelled from the monkhood, the ‘Karaka Sangha Sabha’ does not have the legal authority to prohibit them from wearing the robe. Thus, attention was also paid to make recommendations in order to implement strict laws against those expelled monks and those who distort the Buddha’s teachings.

Also, it was emphasized that since fake people appearing in the name of monks are increasing, they should be identified and intervened to take action against them.

The panel of scholars gave extensive explanations about the distortions of Buddhist dhamma, the propagation of myths about the personality of the Buddha, and the propaganda carried out using various media in a way that insults the monks. Also, the suggestions related to the steps that can be taken in this regard were also discussed at length.

Accordingly, following two more committee meetings, it is expected that the Mahanayake Theros will be informed about the relevant recommendations and get the necessary advice, and then the recommendations will be presented to the Parliament, said the Chair of the Caucus, Hon. Jayantha Samaraweera.

State Minister Hon. Sisira Jayakodi, Members of Parliament Hon. Udaya Gammanpila and Hon. Weerasumana Weerasinghe were also present in this meeting.

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