The establishment of a digital infrastructure system for the public sector in the country should be urgently done by integrating all government institutions – Committee on Ways and Means emphasize.

  • Computer data systems, which are currently being operated in isolation by government institutions, should be integrated
  • In the South Asian region, India and Bangladesh have implemented this facility, and it was disclosed that it is currently being implemented in Pakistan.

Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Chair of the Committee on Ways and Means emphasized that the establishment of a digital infrastructure system for the public sector in Sri Lanka should be done urgently by integrating all government institutions.

The Chair stated this when the Committee on Ways and Means met in Parliament recently (24) in Parliament to discuss regarding the use of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for the public sector in Sri Lanka.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) made a presentation in this regard and briefed the Committee on its particulars. Officials of the Ministry of Technology and the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government and the United Nations Development Representatives of the program and experts in the field were also called before the Committee meeting held.

Other countries of the world and especially in the Asian region, India and Bangladesh have implemented this facility, and it is currently being implemented in Pakistan, however it was disclosed that this program is not being implemented properly in Sri Lanka. If it works as expected, every citizen of the country will receive a specific identification number and will have access to all government services ranging from from a Grama Sewa Niladhari to any official in any government ministry. It was further stated that this facility will allow the exchange of data between the respective government institutions with proper efficiency.

The Committee Chair pointed out that even though government institutions such as the Department of Registration of Persons, the Department of Immigration and the Department of Inland Revenue have implemented their own unique digital systems, there is no collective action.

The need to create an electronic platform for all payment activities and transactions to direct the three institutions operating for the purpose of collecting revenue which has been delayed for more than a decade was emphasized as pointe out on earlier discussions held at the Committee on Ways and Means. Moreover, the Committee Chair pointed out to the officials of the Ministry of Technology the need for a digital procurement exchange platform to carry out imported food, fuel and medicines, fertilizers etc. in a transparent manner.

The committee had previously discussed and made a number of recommendations on the Digitization of monetary transactions through e-Rupees by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, creation of a unified payment interface (Unified Payment Interface), prevention of wrong invoicing related to imports by Sri Lanka Customs, and creation of a digital platform where all details of essential food items which can be viewed by consumers.

The investigation regarding the non-receipt of vehicle licenses with duty concessions received by 9 senior officers of the State Engineering Service on retirement was looked into during the second session of the committee. For the said purpose, the party representing the officers of the State Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government Ministries and the aggrieved senior officers of the Engineering Service were summoned before the committee. According to a Regulation in the year 2017, the retirement age of the executive grade officers of the public service was extended to 61 years. It was made not that the reduction of the mandatory retirement age to 60 years in 2023, caused to lose the right to the vehicle permit, which is given from 5 years to 5 years. It was stated that this injustice happened to 9 people in the engineering service while elaborating their position. The Chair emphasized that all professionals should follow the same policy; Instructed the officers of the Ministries of State Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government to submit to the Committee in writing the specific conditions related to the right to the vehicle license with duty concessions which are entitled with the retirement.

Members of Parliament Hon. Ashok Abeysinghe, Hon. Wasantha Yapabandara and Hon. Rauff Hakeem, were also present for this committee meeting held.

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