From March 04 to 08, under the theme of technology and innovation, the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms, Dr. Wijayadasa Rajapaksha will participate in the Commonwealth Law Ministers  Meeting in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Using new technology for judicial affairs, digitization, protection of women and girls, strengthening access to justice for people with disabilities, climate policies, legislation, and ensuring access to justice for all is the main theme of the  Meeting.

In accordance with Sustainable Development 16.3 of ensuring access to justice for all, the Law Ministers Meeting focuses on advancing the policy directives of the Commonwealth Heads of State meetings including declarations on equal access to justice.

Law Ministers, Chief Justices, Attorney Generals and other higher judicial officers of the Commonwealth countries will attend the  Meeting, and the Minister of Constitutional Affairs and Law of the People’s Government of Tanzania Dr. Pindi H. Chana will preside over the conference.

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කරුණාකර ඔබගේ අදහස් ඇතුළත් කරන්න.
කරුණාකර ඔබගේ නම ඇතුලත් කරන්න